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Following and Unfollowing Users

Follow a User

Follow other users on YouMap to get notified when they add new posts, create new maps, or engage with maps you follow. Additionally, you can collaborate as map moderators. Tap the Follow button in a userโ€™s profile to follow them.

YouMap makes it easy to find and follow other users on the network. Here's how:

  1. Click the search bar at the top of the map view.
  1. Search for the user you are looking for by username.
  1. Tap on the user you want.
  1. You will then be taken to the user's profile page.
  1. Tap the follow button to follow that user.
  1. You will now recieve updates in "My World" Map feed when that user posts any updates on YouMap.
Notion image

Finding New Users to Follow

You can also locate new users to follow as you are browsing posts on YouMap:

  1. Tap the post you are interested in.
  1. Tap the username of the person who posted the content.
  1. You will be taken to their profile page.
  1. Tap the follow button to follow that user.

Unfollowing a User

If you want to unfollow a previously followed user:

  1. Go to the user's profile page.
  1. Tap "unfollowโ€ button to unfollow the user.
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