Report Content
Our main goal is to keep content fun, safe, and interesting for the YouMap community. We believe in user lead moderation to keep our community safe. If you come across a user, post or comment, or map you wish to report - click the menu button in the upper right corner and then tap Report. Our team will personally evaluate the reported content and will take action if necessary.
To see user reported content on your map, go to your map and tap the Edit Map button. There you will see a section called User reported content. Tap to see any user reported content you wish to review. You will be able to remove any content from your map.

Follow these steps to report a post on YouMap.

- Open the post on the map or post feed.
- Click on the option menu represented as three dots at the top right of the post.
- Select Report.

- Confirm your report.
Please note you can follow a similar process to report a comment, user, map, or post. Thank you for keeping the YouMap community fun and safe to use.
If you have any questions or need additional help, please contact our support team at